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Life Changes

I keep forgetting I have a blog.

So since our last episode on The Weird Life of The Vatican Saint...

I got married! I've also moved several times. Got a day job. Fucking COVID. Political shit show. Ya know. The whole 9.

In other news, I am writing a novel series full-time with my husband on top of my full-time day job. Yes, I'm constantly exhausted. Yes, I've considered yeeting my work computer out my window at least seven times.

I've never ever been more fulfilled or happier than I am right this moment in my life.

I'm going to do my best to make updates more regular. If/when the pandemic is over, I will post my con schedules here again along with open commission updates, etc.

Speaking of, commissions are currently open. I have ten slots. If you would like to claim one, email me at with the title Commission Slot. Otherwise, it will get lost. If all ten slots fill up, I'm going to open a waiting list.

Happy trails friends.

Remember to love each other.

💙 Spiva

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